This is an article about setting up tipping on invoices specifically.
See the How To Enable Tipping in Your Settings to learn how to enable tipping through your settings.
Step 1: Go To Your Invoice
From the Documents page, click on the Invoices tab to go to your Invoices page.
βFind the invoice you want to enable tipping for, then click on its invoice number in the No. column.
Step 2: Go to the Payment Methods Button
You will now see your invoice in the Invoice Viewer.
Click on the Payment Methods button, located to the right of the Record Payment button in the upper right corner.
From the drop-down list, click on the Allow Tipping checkbox.
A green Changes Saved message will appear in the bottom right corner.
Note: To customize your tip amounts or change other payment settings, click on the Manage Payment Settings in the drop-down list.