Step 1: Go to Your Document
Click on Documents in the side vertical menu or in the horizontal menu.
Go to the Recent Documents section and click on the document you want to edit.
Step 2: Edit Your Document in the Document Builder
Note: If you revert to draft mode, you’ll need to resend the signature invitations to your clients after making changes.
Click on the Edit button in the upper right hand corner. From there, an Edit box will pop up, prompting you to revert your document to Draft status.
Click on the Yes, revert to draft button. Your document will load in the Document Builder and can be edited.
Step 3: Edit and Resend Your Document
Make the changes you need to the document.
After editing your document, click the green Next button top right corner to move on to the Review & Share section, and share your document.
Note: See the related articles section for help on editing specific parts of your document.