If you’ve uploaded a gallery and would like your clients to download images, you can enable the download options in just a few simple steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you set up download permissions for your gallery.
Step 1: Access the Gallery Settings
First, open the gallery where you want to enable downloads, then go to the left vertical menu and click on Downloads.
Step 2: Enable Download Options
Within the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the Downloads section. This is where you can configure the download settings for your gallery.
Click the Enable Downloads toggle on to green. After enabling downloads, you will also see different download options.
Step 3: Choose Download Type Permissions
In the Downloads section, you’ll see several options for setting download permissions.
You can manage how your images are downloaded in the Download Type and Size options.
The Download Type options to choose from are:
Entire Gallery Downloads: Allows clients to download all images within the gallery at once.
Single Image Downloads: Permits clients to download individual images one by one.
Limited Quantity Downloads: Lets you control the number of images a client can download.
Tip: Consider your client’s needs when choosing download permissions.
For example, if you’re sharing a large event album, clients might appreciate the option to download the entire gallery. Other clients may only need individual images.
You can even enable Entire Gallery Downloads and Single Image Downloads at the same time.
Step 4: Select Image Size
After setting the Download Type permissions, you can choose the image size for image downloads.
Next to the Download Type and Size section, select an image size option from the list:
Original Size is ideal for high-resolution needs
X-Large Size is ideal for large prints like posters at 3200 pixels
Medium Sizes down to 600 pixels are available for quicker downloads and smaller file sizes
Tip: Choosing the appropriate size ensures that clients receive images in the quality they need, while also helping manage download times.
Step 5: Enable Downloads for Specific Folders (Optional)
If your gallery contains multiple folders, you may want to enable downloads for certain folders only.
For instance, if you have high-resolution images in one folder and web-quality images in another folder, enabling downloads on specific folders can help organize and manage the client’s download options.
To do this, go to the Settings By Folder section and click on Selected Folders. Then toggle the switch next to the folder(s) you would like to enable downloads for.
Step 6: Save Your Changes
Once you’ve configured all download options and set the desired permissions, ensure all of your settings are applied correctly by clicking the Save button.
The Save button is usually located at the bottom or top of the Settings menu.
Step 7: Preview Your Gallery
After saving, click the Preview button to confirm that your chosen gallery download options are working as expected.
In Preview Mode, you should see download icons or buttons on individual images, as well as an option to download the entire gallery if you enabled it.
Note that downloading the entire gallery may require the client to enter an email address for access, depending on your settings.
By enabling downloads, you make it easy for clients to obtain the images they need directly from your gallery.
Whether they need individual shots or the entire album, these steps allow you to control and customize the download experience to best suit your and your client’s preferences.