If you have a client located within a different country, you may want to consider creating a price list with the currency they are familiar with. You can easily change the currency of a price list while we do all the calculations for currency exchanges.
Add a New Price List
Go to the Store page in the side menu, then click on the Pricing tab in the vertical menu.
Click on the + New Price List button, usually located in the upper-right hand corner.
When the Add Price List box appears, you will see three required fields:
Price List Name: Enter in a name for your price list.
Order Fulfillment: Choose who will be fulfilling your client’s orders from the drop-down list.
Currency: Select the default currency from the drop-down list.
Once the three fields have the required information, click on the Save button to save your changes.
Edit a Pricelist
If you want to change the currency for an existing price list, click on the Edit (Pen) icon next to the Price list drop-down menu.
When the Edit Price List box appears, go to the Currency section and click on the drop-down list to change your currency.
Once you’ve made your changes, remember to click the Save Changes button.
By doing this, your clients that use certain currencies will be able to easily make purchases without the confusion of seeing a different currency throughout the checkout process.