Simply put, yes, you can move or copy images to another location.
Step 1: Select the Images You Want to Copy or Move
Select the images you would like to copy or move, then press the 3-dot Options icon in the top vertical menu.
In the menu list, click on Move/Copy. A Move/Copy Images box will pop up.
Step 2a: Move or Copy Selected Images to Another Folder in the Current Gallery
From the Move/Copy box, click on the Destination Folder drop-down list to search for your desired destination folder or gallery.
Click on the Copy button to copy over specific images from your gallery to another gallery or folder.
Click on the Move button to move specific images out of your gallery to another gallery or folder.
Step 2b: Move or Copy Selected Images to Another Gallery Folder
From the Move/Copy box, click on the Destination Folder drop-down list.
In the search box, type in the first few letters of the other Gallery's name. For example, I typed in Photography to search for the folders of a gallery named "Photography Portfolio".
Click on the Copy button to copy over specific images from your gallery to a different gallery folder.
Click on the Move button to move specific images out of your gallery to a different gallery folder.