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Customizing Your Gallery Directory
Customizing Your Gallery Directory

From layouts to SEO: optimize your gallery directory for the best possible web presence.

Renee avatar
Written by Renee
Updated over 2 months ago

Step 1: Choose a Layout Option

  • Go to the Galleries menu on the left side, and click on the Directory tab.

  • In the Choose a Layout Option section, select the layout for your galleries by clicking on the template you would like to use. A template number highlighted in green indicates it has been selected.

Step 2: Edit Your SEO Details

  • In the SEO / Search Engine Optimization section, create the following for your Gallery Directory:

    • Title (Title Tag): Your title tag helps users find and identify your gallery. Visitors to your gallery pages will see your title tag in the tab of their browser window and in web search results. The ideal length for a title tag is approximately 65 characters.

    • Description (Meta description): Your description will be shown to search engines to help identify and classify your gallery pages. Your description is displayed in web search results as the short description under your title tag. It will not be visible on your gallery pages. The ideal length for a description is approximately 150-160 characters.

    • Keywords: Your keywords describe your gallery pages and help further identify your galleries with search engines. These keywords will not be seen by visitors to your gallery pages. Enter a list of keywords describing your business, brand, and specialties. Be sure to separate keywords with a comma.

Step 3: Make Your Title, Event Date, and/or Description Visible

  • To make your Title, Description, and/or your Event Date visible to visitors, switch the corresponding toggle buttons on:

    • Show Title: Makes the SEO Title Tag visible.

    • Show Event Date: Makes the date of the event visible.

    • Show Description: Makes the SEO Meta Description visible.

  • Click the Save Settings button when all your changes have been made.

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