If your gallery is published but the images aren’t displaying, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue.
1. Verify the Gallery Status
Preview your gallery to check if it displays a message like “This gallery is empty,” even though images are uploaded.
Confirm the gallery is published by looking for the green "Published" button. If the gallery is published, the issue likely lies in the individual image folders.
2. Check the Individual Image Folders
Go to the back end of your gallery and review each individual image folder.
Look for a Red Eye Slash icon next to each folder. This red icon indicates that the folder is unpublished, which would prevent its images from appearing in the gallery.
3. Publish Any Unpublished Folders
For any folder marked with a red icon:
Click the edit icon next to the folder.
Inside the folder settings, change the status to "Published."
The icon should turn green, indicating that the folder is now active and images within it are ready for display.
4. Save Your Changes
Save all changes to ensure the updated status is applied.
Failing to save may leave the folder unpublished, so double-check this step.
5. Refresh the Gallery
Go back to your gallery and refresh the page.
After refreshing, your images should now appear in the published gallery.
6. Final Check
If your images are still not displaying, double-check each folder to ensure all are published and changes were saved.
Sometimes, a quick refresh or review of settings resolves lingering issues.
By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of images not appearing in a published gallery. This ensures your gallery is fully visible and ready for viewers to enjoy.